Step by Step Competition
Ballerina, Figure in the Four Colors
Step by Step Competition, July-Sept. 2023
This time we will take up, perhaps, the most beautiful subject for fine art - a ballerina. And as usual, we will decompose this very difficult project into simple steps. Moreover, we will limit ourselves to only four colors. What is even more interesting - the jury includes artists who rightfully occupy leading positions in the world of figure paitning.
I am grateful to everyone who took part in the competition.
My congratulations to all participants, finalists, and, of course, the winners!
I am proud to present our jury:
Roberto Andreoli (Italy)
An eminent Italian painter, Ambassador of the Mondial Art Academia group and a member of the Accademia dell'Acquerello di Monza.
Anna Ivanova (Russia)
A world famous Russian watercolorist, a member of The Painters Union of Russia.

1st Prize
Berta Gomez Pujol (Spain)
Michael Solovyev's Signature Brush Set
A few DANIEL SMITH watercolor tubes
Michael Solovyev's Full Daniel Smith Dot Card
Free access to the next Step-by-Step lesson

2nd Prize
Trudy Herder (The Netherlands)
Michael Solovyev's ECO Studio Palette
A few DANIEL SMITH watercolor tubes
Michael Solovyev's Full Daniel Smith Dot Card
Free access to the next Step-by-Step lesson

3rd Prize
Michelle Nettleton (Canada)
Michael Solovyev's Starter Signature Brush Set
A few Daniel Smith watercolor tubes
Michael Solovyev's Full Daniel Smith Dot Card
Free access to the next Step-by-Step lesson
Special Jury Mention
Elmari Van Zyl (South Africa) Heather O'Gallagher (Canada) Agnieszka Trotta (Italy)
Free access to the next Step-by-Step lesson
The Finalist Gallery