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Here you will find all the available courses.

These images are interactive - press on them to get to the section that interests you. Then, press on the arrow to get back to the top of the page.

Also, don't  forget to check out our special package deals!


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Disclaimer: you have 30 days to download the file with access information. Once you have it, you have a lifetime access to the video.


Beginner Courses

The course is designed so that we can gradually delve into the basics of watercolor. In the end you will be able to create competent and compelling watercolor artworks.

The most important thing that makes Michael workshops and courses so popular is the personal experience of the master. Masters rarely share their secrets and personal techniques as generously as Michael does.

All material is presented in a simple form that facilitates the gradual ascent of the stairway to watercolor mastery.


Intermediate Courses

Welcome to the next level! For everyone who is familiar with the basic skills of working with watercolor, it is your chance to take it a step further! Those courses offer a properly structured, easy-to-follow study of watercolor.​

All material is presented in a simple form that facilitates the gradual ascent of the stairway to watercolor mastery.


Advanced Courses

You have now reached the new heights of your watercolor journey! These courses offer an advanced and complex understanding of the ways to properly think about your watercolor projects. Are you ready to take on a challenge? Do not worry too much -​ these courses offer a properly structured, easy-to-follow study of watercolor.


All material is presented in a simple form that facilitates the gradual ascent of the stairway to watercolor mastery.


Human Sketching

Painting a human is one of the most complex tasks an aspiring watercolor artist may face. With my courses, I offer you an all-encompassing guide to navigate you through the maze of complex concepts and rules, so that in the end you'd be capable on taking on any project, be it a portrait, dynamic figure, or a nude model!

All material is presented in a simple form that facilitates the gradual ascent of the stairway to watercolor mastery.

Human Sketching

Video Courses: Step-By-Step

In each lesson, we will create a watercolor using reference photos, together and step by step. Each lesson focuses on a specific topic and plot. But the most important thing that we are going to study is the methodology for building a project. 

How and why do we break the project into stages? 
What is the purpose of each stage? 

Gradually repeating each stage after the master, you will create a watercolor by yourself and learn the techniques and logic of creating a project.


Video Courses: PACKAGES

The best way to learn watercolor is with ready-made, well-organized lesson blocks, divided by topic.

Each block is balanced and consists of separate lessons.

The most important thing that makes Michael's workshops and courses so popular is the personal experience of the master. Masters rarely share their secrets and personal techniques as generously as Michael does.


WORKSHOP Video Recordings
The recordings were made during the workshops. You can follow the work of the master, and find out all the tips and tricks for creating an artwork.

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